Wind Sentry monitor - Meteorological sensors

Wind Sentry monitor - Meteorological sensors

This wind sentry has a cup anemometer and a a separated vane. It can be used for a large range of wind measurement application in industrial environments. It is a professional quality sensor

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lundi 27 janvier 2025

Wind Sentry monitor 03002 model

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On standard technology basis, cup anemometer and separated vane, this product due to its unmatched ratio quality price could be used in a very wide range of industrial applications. Optional outputs voltage or current  loops allow connection with numerous types of data management systems.

The Model 03002 Wind Sentry Anemometer and Vane are professional quality sensors suitable for a wide range of wind measurement applications. These economically priced sensors provide excellent sensitivity, corrosion resistance, and minimal parts count for easy maintenance.

 Wind Sentry monitor  (PDF 2729Ko)

Product Code

Ref: 03002 - Brand: R.M. YOUNG


The anemometer uses three lightweight hemispherical cups to measure wind speed. Cup wheel rotation produces an AC frequency that is linearly proportional to wind speed. The vane employs a balanced vane assembly with vane position sensed by a long life precision potentiometer. Precision stainless steel ball bearings are used throughout.

Range Wind Speed: 0-50 m/s (112 mph)
Azimuth: 360° mechanical, 352° electrical (8° open)
Accuracy Wind Speed: ±0.5 m/s (1.1 mph)
Wind Direction: ±5°
Threshold Anemometer: 1.1 m/s (2.5 mph)
Vane: 1.3 m/s (2.9 mph) at 10°
Signal Output Wind Speed Signal: AC sine wave, 1 pulse per rev.
Wind Direction Signal: DC voltage from 10 Kohm
conductive plastic potentiometer, 1% linearity
life expectancy: 50 million revolutions.
Power Requirement Potentiometer excitation: 15 VDC maximum
Dimensions 3Overall height: 32 cm
Crossarm Length: 28 cm between instrument centers
Vane length: 22 cm
Cup wheel diameter: 12 cm
Crossarm mounting: 34 mm diameter
Shipping weight 1.3 kg
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