Tipping bucket rain gauge - Rainfall sensors

Tipping bucket rain gauge - Rainfall sensors

To measure and quantify a rainfall, R. M. has created a tipping bucket rain gauge. This meterorological instrument is made in UV stabilized thermoplastoc materiel.

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jeudi 26 décembre 2024

Tipping bucket rain gauge

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This product is the R.M. YOUNG vision of the regular typing bucket rain gauge.The massive use of UV stabilized thermoplastic materials provides an high resisstance to environemental conditions  with usuaul accuracy and reliability of R.M. YOUNG products.

Product Code

Ref : 50202 & 50203
Brand : R.M. YOUNG

Caractéristiques techniques

Precipitation gauge ] [ Snow height sensor ] [ Tipping bucket rain gauge ]
Wind ] [ Temperature & Relative humidity ] [ Pressure ] [ Rainfall ] [ Processing ] [ Radiometry ] [ Visibility ] [ Clouds ]
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