Spectroradiometers MS700 and MS701

Spectroradiometers MS700 and MS701

ATMOS-Meteo sells spectroradiometers MS700 & MS701 that retreive spectral measurement of solar radation of the visible light or UV. These meteorological intrusments are directy linkable on computer.

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jeudi 26 décembre 2024

Spectroradiometers MS700 & MS701

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Resistant and compact, these spectroradiometers are instruments directly linkable on computer. Its retreive a spectral measurement of solar radiation in the visible light (MS-700 / 350 – 1050 nm) or UV (MS-701 / 300-400 nm).

New: MS-700N Spectroradiometer!

Product Code

Ref : MS-700 & MS-701 - Brand : EKO


Mesure range
  • MS-700 Model: 0,35-1,050 µm
  • MS-701 Model: 0,3-0,4 µm
Spectral resolution
  • MS-700 Model: 10 nm
  • MS-701 Model: 3 nm
Output signals Numerical outputs
  • Standards: RS-232 ou RS-422
  • Format: ASCII
Power supply 100-240 VAC, 100W
Height 175 mm
Diameter 240 mm
Weight 4 kg
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