Marine wind tracker - Meteorological sensors

Marine wind tracker - Meteorological sensors

The marine wind tracker can be used aboard a ship for example.Indeed, this is the marine version of wind trackers. It allowS raliable teatment of data. It is very useful during harbour operations.

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vendredi 31 janvier 2025

Marine wind tracker

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The marine version of the tracker is designed to indicate wind parameters aboard a ship. Provided with an NMEA input and with specific screen, it will be an indispensable help during your harbour operations. The functions of alarm, averaging or still repetition are similar to standard wind tracker.

Product Code

Ref: 06206H
Brand: R.M. YOUNG

BUY ONLINE >> YOUNG Marine Wind tracker


Wind speed range 0-100 MPH
0-50 M/S
0-200 KM/H
0-100 KNOTS
Wind direction range 0-180 degrees
Voltage outputs 0-5 VDC Full Scale for WS & WD (0-100 m/s)
NMEA Inputs/Outputs Standard
Alarm Relays Normally Open contacts for WS & WD
Remote displays 16 maximum
Power requirement 12-30 VDC, 4.5 W
Dimensions 14.4 cm x 14.4 cm x 3.6 cm
Weight 0.45 kg - Shipping weight 1.4 kg
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