Junior wind monitor H.M. YOUNG - ATMOS

Junior wind monitor H.M. YOUNG - ATMOS

Wind monitor JR 04101 is a smaller size version of the famous wind monitor created by R.M. YOUNG. This wind instrument is adapted to severe environment. It owns frequency, voltage and current loop outputs

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lundi 27 janvier 2025

Junior wind monitor model 04101

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It is a smaller size version of the famous "R.M. YOUNG wind monitor". That's a sensor well suited for industrial applications in severe environments . In addition to frequency and voltage outputs regular for all wind monitors, versions with voltage or current loop outputs are also available.

Product Code

Ref : 04101 - Brand : R.M. YOUNG

BUY ONLINE >> YOUNG Wind Monitor Junior 04101 model


Accuracy Wind speed: ± 0.5 m/s
Wind direction: ± 5°
Operating temperature -50 to 50°C
Wind direction 0-60 m/s
Gust survival 100 m/s
Azimuth mechanical: 360°
electrical: 352°
Threshold sensitivity propeller: 1.0 m/s
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