Heavy duty wind monitor HD - Meteorological sensors

Heavy duty wind monitor HD - Meteorological sensors

The wind monitor 05108 by R.M.YOUNG is the most sophisticated and resistant model of 'wind monitor style sensors'. Potentiometers enable the direction of wind measurement. It has ceramic steel.

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lundi 27 janvier 2025

Heavy duty wind monitor HD model 05108

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In the range of wind sensors "Wind Monitor style", that's the most sophisticated and resistant one. Measurement of wind direction is performed by potentiometers like previous models. The major innovation is in the replacement of stinless steel bearings by ceramic ones.

The Wind Monitor-HD has important features that greatly extend the service life of this popular sensor. It promises improved survivability for the most severe wind measuring applications.

Product code

Ref: 05108 - Brand: R.M. YOUNG


Wind speed 0-100 m/s
Azimuth 360° mechanical, 355° electrical (5° open)
Wind speed ± 0.3 m/s or 1% of reading
Wind direction ±3 degrees
Propeller 1.0 m/s
Vane 1.0 m/s
Signal output
Wind speed Magnetically induced AC voltage, 3 pulses per revolution.
Azimuth Analog DC voltage from conductive plastic potentiometer
resistance 10K Ω , linearity 0.25%, life expectancy
50 million revolutions
Power requirement
Potentiometer excitation 15 VDC maximum
Overall height 37 cm
Overall lenght 55 cm
Propeller diameter 18 cm
Mounting 34 mm
Sensor weight 1.0 kg
Shipping weight 2.3 kg
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