Barometric pressure sensor - Meteorological sensors

Barometric pressure sensor - Meteorological sensors

R.M. Young has created this barometric pressure sensor that allows a reliable measurement of atmospheric pressure. It is possible to calculate the QFE and QNH pressures and to adjust measure range

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samedi 1er mars 2025

Barometric pression sensors

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The main advantages of RM YOUNG digital barometers are performance, miniaturization and simplicity. In their tight case, these totally customizable instruments allow a reliable measure of the atmospheric pressure. Among the available options, we can quote the calculation of QFE and QNH pressures, or adjustment of measure range.

Product Code

Ref : 61302V & 61302L
Brand : R.M. YOUNG


Pressure range 500-1100 hPa
Operating temperature -40 to + 60 °C
Digital accurac * 0,2hPa (25°C)
0,3 hPa (-40 to + 60°C)
Précision analogique ** 0,05% of analog pressure range
Analog temperature dependence 0,0017% of analog pressure range/°C (25°C reference)
Long term stability 0.2% FS per year
Update rate 1,8 Hz max
Analog output 0 à 5000 mV (Model 61302V)
4 à 20 mA (Model 61302L)
Resolution Analog 0.025% of scale
Serial 0.01 hPa
Power Model 61302V (7 à 30 Vcc)
  • Vout Mode = 2,8 mA
  • Sleep Mode = 1,4 µA
  • RS232 Mode = 7 mA
Model 61302L (7 à 30 Vcc)
  • 4 à 20 mA = 25 mA max Mode
  • RS-232 ou RS-485 = 7 mA
Dimensions 90 mm x 60 mm x 20 mm
Weight 44 g

* Defined as +/- 1 standard deviation from NIST traceable pressure reference. Includes non-linearity,  hysteresis, repeatability, and calibration uncertainty.

** Defined as +/- 1 standard deviation from ideal analog output. Total analog output accuracy is the root   sum square of digital accuracy, analog accuracy, and analog temperature dependence.

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