Air temperature probe - Meteorological sensors

Air temperature probe - Meteorological sensors

This probe of temperature is an simple weather measurement instrument . It is eay to use and resistant to weather conditions. It can be used for difficult and isolated locations

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lundi 27 janvier 2025

Air temperature probe

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This probe of temperature is composed by a sensitive element (Pt1000 type) with embarked electronics. Simple to use and resistant to the weather conditions, it is ideal for the installations in difficult and isolated locations.

Product Code

Ref : 41342 V & 41342 L
Brand : R.M. YOUNG


Calibrated measuring range -50 to 50°C
Response time 10 seconds (without filter)
Accuracy at 23°C ± 0,3°C / optional ± 0.1°C NIST calibration
Sensor type Platinium RTD
Output signal V Option: 0-1 VDC
L Option: 4-20 mA
Recommended radiation shields Multi-Plate Radiation Shield
Model 41003P
Aspirated Radiation Shield
Modèle 43502
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