Meteorogical translator - Data processing system

Meteorogical translator - Data processing system

ATMOS Meteo sells meteorological data processing systems with analogical and digital inputss and big capacities of calculation and memorization. It has an eronomic screen.

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vendredi 31 janvier 2025

Data processing system

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The RM Young translator is a powerfull element for your meteo application. Its numerous analogical and digital inputs, its big capacities of calculation and memorization, its various modes of digital communication, its ergonomic and completely customizable screen, without forgetting its intuitive programming, make an indispensable element for compact and evolutionary meteo stations.

Product Code

Ref : 26800H
Brand : R.M. YOUNG

Marine wind tracker ] [ Wind tracker ] [ Software ADI Tracker ] [ Data processing system ] [ Compass / Serial Interface ]
Wind ] [ Temperature & Relative humidity ] [ Pressure ] [ Rainfall ] [ Processing ] [ Radiometry ] [ Visibility ] [ Clouds ]
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