Cloud cover sensors - ATMOS Meteorology

Cloud cover sensors - ATMOS Meteorology

Cloud infrared radiometers (CIR range) and cloud cover imager are sold by ATMOS-meteo to obtain a full description, an image of the sky dome in terms of cloud cover and ceiling,

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dimanche 23 février 2025

Clouds cover instruments

Cloud cover imager - 13 Sensors

The cloud cover imager with 13 sensors provides, in addition to the full description of the sky in terms of cloud cover and ceiling, a thermal or thresholded picture of the sky dome. It is available with natural or motor aspirated version of sensors. Ths second version allows an improved accuracy of measurements  and protect entrance optics against bugs and insects.


Cloud infrared radiometer - 4 Sensors

The Cloud infrared radiometer with 4 Sensors at the basis of the CIR range provides a full description of the sky dome. It owns an embedded data processing electronic and its low consumption allows remote location deployment.


Cloud infrared radiometer "light version" 4 Sensors

The Cloud infrared radiometer "light version" designed for short term measurement campaigns provides a full description of the sky dome. Data processing is made in a dedicated PC archiving data on a daily basis.


Cloud infrared radiometer - 4 sensors ventilated

The cloud infrared radiometer with 4 sensors ventilated is an evolution of the CIR-4. It provides a full description of the sky dome in terms of intensity and ceiling. Motor aspirated ventilation of each sensor allows an optimized  accuracy of measurements and protection of the entrance optics againts dust and bugs.


CIR carrying case

Atmos developed this range of wood carrying cases which should provide a maximal security while remaining simple. Different models are available. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about this range.

Cloud cover radiometer ] [ Cloud infrared radiometer ] [ Cloud infrared radiometer CIR-4V ] [ Cloud infrared radiometer Light ] [ CIR Carrying case ]
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