Meteorological instruments COFRAC calibration

Meteorological instruments COFRAC calibration

COFRAC calibration is possible for weather instruments for a realignment of sensors sold by ATMOS-meteo : wind speed, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, air humidit, speed of rotation

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jeudi 26 décembre 2024

COFRAC Calibration

Due to the large number of physical parameters measured by our instruments (wind speed, temperature, humidity…), ATMOS decided to outsource COFRAC calibration benefits requested by our customers.  

The COFRAC aim (French Committee for Accreditation) is to certify that accredited organizations are competent and impartial, and to obtain international acceptance of their benefits and recognition of their skills. In the case of accreditation, calibrations are made with an estimate of the uncertainty introduced by the apparatus to calibrate its own characteristics (repeatability, resolution, etc..). A certificate of COFRAC calibration is issued. The number of points is specified for each parameter. 

Through a partnership with different accredited laboratories, ATMOS can offer a wide range of solutions for your weather equipment, from the single metrological monitoring audit (see section "Metrological verification" for more information on this topic) to the COFRAC calibration.  COFRAC certification is possible for the following physical parameters: 


  • Wind speed
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Air temperature
  • Air humidity
  • Speed of rotation

The tasks proposed by ATMOS includes a first functional diagnostic before sending equipment to laboratory, the transportation charges between our premises and a COFRAC lab, the supervision of the entire transaction and the management of calibration reports with physical and digital archiving. A realignment of sensor according to COFRAC certificate could be also performed.

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