To measure precisely the speed and the direction of wind, numerous wind monitor, anemometers are sent by ATMOS-Meteo. They are conceived to provide a resistance to environmental conditions NetPilote création de site internet comité d'entreprise experts en sites dynamiques. |
vendredi 31 janvier 2025 |
Mechanical and ultrasonic wind sensors |
The wind monitor 05103 is most famous and the first of wind monitor. It combines on the same instrument measurement of speed and direction of the wind. The massive use of UV stabilized thermoplastic materials provides a excellent resistance to environmental conditions. In addition to regular frequence and voltage outputs, full voltage or current loops outputs are also available. |
One of the main difficulty of wind measurement is to keep sensors operational in icing environments. To move forward this blocking limit, R.M. YOUNG proposes its famous wind monitor 05103 with a special coating tested in numerous severe icing conditions. |
The Wind sensor MA 05106, an evolution of the famous 05103 wind monitor from R.M. YOUNG especially dedicated to sea environment. This sensor has been deployed onboard of several civil and military vessels, in harbor facilities and on buoys. Like other wind monitors, in addition to regular frequency and voltage output, it owns options with full voltage outputs or current loops. |
This Wind monitor for air quality is an evolution of the 05103 wind monitor for low wind measurements. The vane tail initially manufactured with extruded styrofoam is now made with a UV stabilized thermoplastic material allowing a better resistance to environmental conditions. |
In the range of wind sensors "Wind Monitor style", the Wind monitor 09101 is the most sophisticated one. Measurement of wind direction is performed by an optical encoder and in a native way, it owns analog output (0-5V) and numeric RS485 port with various protocols like NCAR, NMEA, ASCII... |
In the range of wind sensors "Wind Monitor style", the Wind monitor 05108 is the most sophisticated and resistant one. Measurement of wind direction is performed by potentiometers like previous models. The major innovation is in the replacement of stinless steel bearings by ceramic ones. |
On standard technology basis, cup anemometer and separated vane, the Wind Sentry monitor due to its unmatched ratio quality price could be used in a very wide range of industrial applications. Optional outputs voltage or current loops allow connection with numerous types of data management systems. |
The Wind monitor JR 04101 is a smaller size version of the famous "R.M. YOUNG wind monitor". That's a sensor well suited for industrial applications in severe environments . In addition to frequency and voltage outputs regular for all wind monitors, versions with voltage or current loop outputs are also available. |
Although devvelopped long time ago, the UVW Gill anemometer is an electro mechanic instruments that keeps a field of use for remote locations of deployment. It has not been overpassed by ultrasonic technologies of wind measurement. |
The ResponseONE 91000 Sonic anemometer is designed toreliably measure wind speed and direction up to 70 m/s (approx. 250 km/h). An easy-to-use, windows based software is provided with each sensor and allows you to customize device settings such as sample rates and communication settings. |
The 2D sonic anemometers without moving parts supply wind data in terms of speed and direction. The use of UV stabilized thermoplastic materials and marine anodized aluminum provides a very high environmental resistance for both the terrestrial (85000) and marine (85106) versions. The 2D sonic anemometer owns a smaller size and lower electrical consumption. |
The 2 axes marine anemometers without moving parts supply wind data in terms of speed and direction. The use of UV stabilized thermoplastic materials and marine anodized aluminum provides a very high environmental resistance for both the terrestrial (85000) and marine (85106) versions. |
The 2D sonic anemometers without moving parts supply wind data in terms of speed and direction. The use of UV stabilized thermoplastic materials provide a very high resistance to environment. The 2D sonic anemometer owns a smaller size and lower electrical consumption. |
This static three dimensional sensor of wind velocity is faithful in reliability and accuracy specifications of R.M. YOUNG equipments. Two versions are available. 81000 version owns anaalog voltage outputs allowing connections with quite all existing data loggers. 81000V version owns analog inputs allowing A/D conversion of surrounding sensors. |
Atmos developed this range of wood sensors carrying cases which should provide a maximal security while remaining simple. Different models are available. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about this range. |